~ 1 min of reading

Pick Django and avoid the maintenance burden

This is a lesson I learned the hard way. You can learn it the easy way, from me. It doesn't apply to the python ecosystem, but to others too.

When starting a new project, a bunch of questions come up:

  • Is it good?
  • Is it well documented?
  • Is it well tested?
  • Does it have good community?
  • Is it fast?
  • Does it get out of the day?
  • Does it have many open issues / comments on GitHub?

But to me, the main question is: What do I need and is it inside the box?

Most projects, at least when big enough, will need some of those:

  • Logging
  • Session support
  • Authentication & Authorization
  • Flexible ORM
  • Admin panel
  • Caching
  • Template engine

Guess which framework has all those backed in?

The alternative is picking something else... Something leaner... The downside happens when you need something not in the box. You'll need to decide what library to install (or custom code it). You'll also need to spend time updating it instead of actually building your project.

In the end, there's no right and wrong answer. Would you rather have a box of Legos with only one type of piece, or one with plenty of different pieces? Guess which one will allow building most projects?

By the way, I write about software development, web development, and Django. If you liked this post and were wondering how to get more... Join my inner circle (aka newsletter) in easy (and fast!) 4 steps.

  1. Fill your email.
  2. Fill your name (but only if you want).
  3. Smash the button. As hard as you can.
  4. There is no 4th step.

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And that's a wrap. I hope you like it (I really do). If you did, hit one of those share buttons and spread it on your socials.