Uses page

As many others before me, this is my "uses" page. It lists the stuff I use on a regular basis. I update it from time to time.


  • Editors/IDEs
  • Browsers:
  • docker because this is 2020 and it makes things way simpler;
  • 11ty for this site;
  • iterm2 Couldn't do anything without this. Might do a post in the future about my setup/dotfiles;
  • ImageOptim Gotta compress those megabytes down;
  • Franz to keep me somewhat connected;
  • GitKraken and Git Imagine working without version control...
  • Fira Code The is probably the best font for coding, at least for me. It supports ligatures so that's an awesome plus!


  • Dropbox I don't think this one needs an introduction;
  • BackBlaze If my computer dies, this makes sure I do not lose anything;
  • GitHub to keep my stash;
  • DigitalOcean to host this website and other projects. Before that I used Linode;
  • Spotify because I need music when working but I certainly do not need ads;



By the way, I write about software development, web development, and Django. If you liked this post and were wondering how to get more... Join my inner circle (aka newsletter) in easy (and fast!) 4 steps.

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  2. Fill your name (but only if you want).
  3. Smash the button. As hard as you can.
  4. There is no 4th step.

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And that's a wrap. I hope you like it (I really do). If you did, hit one of those share buttons and spread it on your socials.